Agriprogress sprijina companiile&investitorii sa isi dezvolte afacerile in Romania si companiile romanesti sa isi dezvolte afacerile in Europa de Vest. Intrarea in reteaua de inovatii, investitori, specialisti si furnizori tehnologie (nou/second-hand)&geneticadin Olanda! Promovam Farm21(soil-sensors),Holland Dairy Machines(echipament de muls second hand) si Wijkamp (hambar mobila pentru pui). Vizite de studiu si instruire pentru sectorul lactatelor, arabile, horticultura si fructe.
Agriprogress supports companies&investors to develop their business in Romania and Romanian companies to develop their business in Western Europe.The entrance to the network of last innovations, investors, specialists & technology (new and second-hand) & genetics suppliers from the Netherlands! We promote Farm21(soilsensors),Holland Dairy Machines (second hand milking equipment) and Wijkamp (mobile chickenbarn).We organise your study visits&training for dairy, arable, horticulture and fruit.