Liedman Agro este unul dintre cei mai mari producatori polonezi din segmentul de ingrasaminte granulate cu calciu. Capacitatea de productie anuala este aproape de un sfert de milion de tone de ingrasaminte inovatoare si ecologice.Oferta companiei include mai multe tipuri de produse care sunt fabricate intr-un mod ecologic si raspund nevoilor fermierului european de ingrasaminte minerale.
Liedmann Agro is a Polish producer of mineral fertilizers and one of the largest in the segment of lime, granulated fertilizers industry. The manufacturer, valued on the European market, sets trends in the business and its ecological, innovative, environmentally safe products are appreciated by farmers. The company’s offer several types of products including best sellers: Wapniak Jurajski G, Dolomag G and Siarkomix G Plus.