    Strada Mihail Kogalniceanu nr 1, Miroslava, Iasi, 707305

    Expert Moldova Trading, companie cu o experienta de 28 de ani in cadrul vanzarilor de utilaje pentru sectorul agricol si industrial, si-a pastrat de-a lungul anilor aceleasi principii si ambitii: de a oferi o gama diversa de produse de calitate la cel mai bun pret. EMT a initiat o reala schimbare prin asocierea in producerea si distribuirea aparatelor de muls cu unul dintre cei mai mari producatori si exportatori de echipamente de muls – firma MELASTY TURCIA, cu exporturi in peste 95 de tari.


    Expert Moldova Trading, a company with 28 years of experience in the sale of equipment for the agricultural and industrial sector, has maintained over the years the same principles and ambitions: to offer a diverse range of quality products at the best price. EMT has initiated a real change by associating in the production and distribution of milking machines with one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of milking equipment – the company MELASTY TURKEY, with exports to over 95 countries.