Romania / Neamt
    Str. Nufarului, Nr. 6, Bl.B9, Ap.13, Piatra Neamt

    Grain Bags este o companie 100% romaneasca, infiintata in anul 2015. Aceasta furnizeaza solutia de depozitare în silobag ( sac industrial, fabricat din polietilen elastic), fiind o metoda economica si eficienta de depozitare a cerealelor si furajelor. Firma vinde silobag-uri, utilaje de incarcare/descarcare in/din silobag, dar presteaza si servicii cu personal calificat. Este singura din tara care are specialisti in acest sistem, oferind si consultanta fermierilor.


    Grain Bags is a 100% Romanian company, founded in 2015. It provides the storage solution silobag ( industrial bag, made of elastic polyethylene ), being an economical and affective method of storing cereals and animal feed. The company sells silobags, loading/ unloading equipment in/from the silobag, but also provides services with qualified personnel. It is the only one in the country that has specialists in this system, also offering consultancy to farmers.