Consultanta pentru dezvoltarea si extinderea afacerii pe piete internationale; Asistenta in vederea participarii companiilor la evenimente de matchmaking si identificarea de parteneri de afaceri la nivel international; Servicii suport pentru inovare, in vederea alinierii strategiei de inovare a companiilor cu procesele care definesc afacerea. Servicii gratuite Enterprise Europe Network, prin care sprijinim companiile ambitioase care doresc sa inoveze si sa se dezvolte international!
Assistance for companies, for their growth and expansion into international markets; Assistance for companies to participate in matchmaking events, for connecting them with the right international partners, to grow their business; Support for business innovation, to allign the innovation strategy of the companies with the specific business processes. Free of charge assistance offered by Enterprise Europe Network, for helping ambitious companies innovate and grow internationally!