pct. de lucru Iasi, Str. Ion Neculce, nr.5, Uricani,Miroslava
SC MHP-Store SRL, este parte a grupului MHP, cel mai mare distribuitor Parker in Romania si totodata un important distribuitor BALDWIN FILTERS. Cu o experienta de peste 17 ani in domeniul hidraulic si pneumatic ne-am fidelizat clientii cu produse de inalta calitate si cu profesionalismul personalului. Pasiunea, promptitudinea si corectitudinea sunt cuvintele care ne caracterizeaza activitatea. Ne-am extins activitatea si in mediul on-line unde se gasesc peste 2000 de produse.
SC MHP-Store SRL, part of the MHP group, the largest Parker distributor in Romania and also an important BALDWIN FILTERS distributor. With an experience of over 17 years in the hydraulic and pneumatic field, we have made our customers loyal with high quality products and with the professionalism of the staff. Passion, promptness and fairness are the words that characterize our activity. We have expanded our activity in the online environment where there are over 2000 products.