Vino la standul PEDROGROUP AGRO, dealer si importator al unor marci consacrate din domeniul agricol, zootehnic si industrial, cu o vastaexperientain domeniu de peste 20 de ani. Suntem pregatiti sava oferim cele mai bune solutii si servicii, la cel mai avantajos pret.Te asteptam pe campul de la Jucu, cu marci consacrate precum ARBOS, Eurotrac, Fieldtrac, SaMASZ, Modern-Tech, Volkan, Tosun, Orsi si multe altele.Website-urile noastre sunt: pedrogroup.ro si tractoare-ro.ro.
Come to the PEDROGROUP AGRO stand, dealer and importer of well-known brands in the agricultural, zootechnical and industrial fields, with a vast experience in the field of over 20 years. We are ready to offer you the best solutions and services, at the best price.We are waiting for you on the Jucu field, with well-known brands such as ARBOS, Eurotrac, Fieldtrac, SaMASZ, Modern-Tech, Volkan, Tosun, Orsi and many more.Our websites are: pedrogroup.ro and tractoare-ro.ro.