Infiintata in 1999 societatea RIVER COMPANY srl, dezvolta o activitate legata de echipamentele pentru curatenie industriala. In cadrul acestui domeniu se pot identifica mai multe ramuri cu echipamente dedicate acestora, cum ar fi: aparate pentru spalat si igienizat in ferme si abatoare,echipamente de hidrosablare in industria navala sau in constructii,aparate pentru spalatoriile de auto. Producem aparate de spalat cu presiune, si statii de spalare centralizate.
Established in 1999, RIVER COMPANY srl develops an activity related to industrial cleaning equipment. Within this field, several branches can be identified with equipment dedicated to them, such as: washing and sanitizing devices in farms and slaughterhouses, water-sanding equipment in the naval or construction industry, devices for car washes. We produce pressure washers and central washing stations.