Rota Guido,este compania italiana leader in proiectarea si realizarea de structuri zootehnice,echipamente pentru zootehnie si sisteme pentru productia energiei din surse regenerabile: Biogaz, Biometan si panouri fotovoltaice.Cu o prezenta de peste 55 de ani in domeniu, Rota Guido s-a remarcat mereu prin profesionalism,experienta si activitate continua de cercetare,proiectand si realizand ferme moderne pentru o zootehnie sustenabila. Rota Guido,profesionisti in Zootehnie!
Rota Guido,is the leading company in Italy in engineering and construction of livestock structures, equipment and renewable energy systems: Biogas, Biomethane & PV panels. In the industry for over fiftyfive years, Rota Guido has always stood out for its professionalism, experience and continuous research at the service of the livestock world, designing modern farms for sustainable animal husbandry. Rota Guido, experts in Zootechny!