Compania noastra are ca scop principal distribuirea catre fermierii romani a celor mai performante si eficiente echipamente agricole, prin solutii flexibile de finantare, cu un accent deosebit pe calitatea si disponibilitatea activitatilor de service si a pieselor de schimb.
Suntem importator unic in Romania pentru branduri precum Massey Ferguson, TopCon, Siloking, Giant Tobroco dar și distribuitori pentru o gama larga de produse renumite la nivel international.
Our company’s main purpose is the distribution to the Romanian farmers of the most efficient agricultural equipments, through flexible financing solutions, with a special emphasis on the quality and availability of the service activities and of the exchange markets.
We are the only importer in Romania for brands such as Massey Ferguson, TopCon, Siloking, Giant Tobroco but also distributors for a wide range of internationally renowned products.