SOCAR este compania petroliera detinuta de statul Azerbaidjan (The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic), companie renumitala nivel mondial pentru activitatile sale de extractie de petrol si gaze naturale si productia de sortimente de produse petroliere si petrochimice. in 2011, SOCAR a intrat pe piata din Romania prin subsidiara SOCAR Petroleum, urmand sadezvolte o retea solidade benzinarii la nivel national, devenind unul dintre jucatorii importanti pe piata distributiei de carburanti.
SOCAR is the state-owned oil company of the State of Azerbaijan (The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic), a world-renowned company for its oil and gas extraction activities and the production of assortments of petroleum and petrochemical products. In 2011, SOCAR entered the Romanian market through the subsidiary SOCAR Petroleum, and will develop a solid network of gas stations nationwide, becoming one of the major players in the fuel distribution market.