TEHNOFAVORIT este singurul producator autohton de masini de erbicidat purtate (EEP) si tractate (MET), atomizoare pentru aplicarea de tratamente in vii si livezi, mori, tocatori de furaje fibroase si sisteme complexe de preparare a hranei pentru ferme zootehnice FNC-uri. Suntem intr-o continuadezvoltare, iar scopul nostru este cel de a satisfice dorintele clientiolor prin inovatie.TEHNOFAVORIT, cheia succesului in agricultura.
TEHNOFAVORIT is the only local manufacturer of herbicide machines worn (EEP) and towed (MET), atomizer for the application of treatments in vineyards and orchards, feed mills, fibrous feed shredders and complex food preparation systems for zootechnical farms FNC. We are constantly development, and our target is to satisfy customers desires through innovation.TEHNOFAVORIT, the key to success in agriculture.