Waspper S.R.O. este un producator slovac: de aparate de spalat cu presiune cu motor termic in 4 timpi. Aparatele noastre sunt complet independente de retelele de apa si de energie electrica, oferind independenta 100%. Presiuni reale intre 200 si 275 bari, debit apa de pana la 18l/min. Trei game de aparate: Hobby, Premium si Profesional, pentru toate exigentele. Motorizari Honda si Briggs & Stratton.
Waspper S.R.O. produce si o variata gama de motopompe.
Waspper S.R.O. is a Slovak manufacturer of pressure washers with 4 stroke heat engine. Our washers are completely independent of water and electricity networks, offering 100% independence. Real pressures between 200 and 275 bar, water flow up to 18l/min. Three ranges of devices: Hobby, Premium and Professional, for all requirements. Honda and Briggs and Stratton engines.
Waspper S.R.O. also produces a wide range of motor pumps.