De mai bine de 50 de ani pulsFOG Dr. Stahl & Sohn GmbH produce echipamente de nebulizare de calitate superioara – patentate – pentru controlul biologic si chimic al vectorilor si daunatorilor care cauzeaza boli si daune economice. Lider mondial in productia de „foggere” utilizate in protectia plantelor in sere sau camp (inclusiv protectia impotriva efectelor inghetului tarziu), tratamente de dezinfectie in fermele de animale si in igiena publica pentru combaterea vectorilor de sanatate publica.
For more than 50 years pulsFOG Dr. Stahl & Sohn GmbH has been producing high-quality – patented – fogging equipment for the biological and chemical control of vectors and pests that cause disease and economic damage. World leader in the production of „foggers” used in the plant protection in greenhouses or in the field (including protection against the effects of late frost), disinfection treatments in animal farms and in public hygiene to combat public health vectors