Producator performant pentru Sisteme de Depozitare, Uscare cereale, Sisteme de producere/distribuire a furajelor, Sisteme de prelucrare paie si lucerna. Intr-o piata competitiva HIMEL MASCHINEN este prezent de peste 70 de ani pe toate continentele cu echipamente pentru producerea furajelor tip fainos sau granulat: mori, mixere, prese de granulat, sisteme de transport, remorci tehnologice, transportoare melcate, transportoare pneumatice, elevatoare cu cupe sau racleti, accesorii/piese de schimb.
In a highly competitive market of technology in agriculture, HIMEL MASCHINEN is present worldwide successfully for over 70 years, operating in the fields of the milling/mixing and pelleting technology, systems of straw and hay, trailers for feeding and grain storage/drying systems. Based on innovation, quality, flexibility, has very successful put into practice also the development of renewable energy. HIMEL offers biomass pelleting lines, stationary and innovative mobile pelleting machinery.