    Str. Calea Prutului, Nr. 11, Galati

    Palmex este un grup de firme cu capital integral privat, romanesc, fiind reprezentant in Romania a grupului american VALMONT IRRIGATION pentru instalatii de irigat tip pivot si liniara VALLEY. Palmex Agro SRL este si distribuitor autorizat al grupului OCMIS-MARANI Italia pentru instalatii de irigat tip tambur, pompe si motopompe, CAPRARI Italia si ROVATTI Italia pentru electropompe si pompe, IRRITEC Italia pentru solutii complete sisteme de irigat prin picurare, si gama se mareste in fiecare an.


    Palmex is a group of companies with fully private, Romanian capital, being the representative in Romania of the American group VALMONT IRRIGATION for VALLEY pivot and linear irrigation installations. Palmex Agro SRL is also an authorized distributor of the OCMIS-MARANI Italy group for drum irrigation installations, pumps and motorized pumps, ROVATTI Italy for electric pumps and pumps, IRRITEC Italy for complete solutions for drip irrigation systems, and the range is increasing in every year.