Turbo’s Hoet Group, unul dintre cei mai mari dealeri europeni de turbosuflante este prezent acum si in Romania. Prin stocul de peste 36000 de turbosuflante dar si prin atelierul local specializat in reconditionarea oricarui tip de turbosuflanta, poate raspunde oricarei solicitari intr-un termen de 24-48 de ore astfel incat timpul d-vstra de imobilizare a utilajului sa fie extrem de redus.
Turbo’s Hoet Group, one of the bigest european dealers of turbochargers is now present also in Romania. With our 36000 turbochargers in stock and also with our specialised local repair workshop of any type of turbchargers, can answer quiclky in 24-48 hours to any request so that the off-time of your equipment will be reduced to minimum.