Compania noastra este unul dintre cei mai mari distribuitori de scule si utilaje folosite atat in scop profesional cat si in scop personal in urmatoarele domenii de activitate: Agricultura, Gradinarit si spatii verzi, Constructii si amenajari, Electrice / Acumulatori si Curatenie. Comercializam peste 40 de branduri de top din intreaga lume, printre acestea numarandu-se Stihl, Bosch, Festool, Makita, BCS, Bertolini, Grillo, AGT, Milwaukee, Knipex, Wera, Honda si multi altii.
Our company is one of the bigest distributor of tools and machines for both professional and personal use in the following domains: agricuture, gardening, landscape, constructions, electric and cleaning. We sell more than 40 top brands in the entire world, among which the most important ones are: Stihl, Bosch, Festool, Makita, BCS, Bertolini, Grillo, AGT, Milwaukee, Knipex, Wera, Honda and many others.