Romania / Ilfov
    Str. Zorilor, Nr. 1B, Bragadiru

    MECANO VALMAR este unul dintre cei mai importanti furnizori de echipamente de ridicat si stivuit din Romania. Infiintata in 2003, fiind o companie cu capital 100% romanesc, isi incepe activitatea de reparatii si intretinere pentru echipamentele de transport marfuri in depozit. Odata cu recunoasterea pe piata din Romania a profesionalismului companiei noastre, incepand cu anul 2005 ne-am dezvoltat si divizia de consultanta si vanzari, promovand pe piata interna branduri premium din Italia. De atunci, promovam cu succes branduri din intreaga lume ce au intrat in portofoliul nostru de produse, fiind un furnizor important in ceea ce priveste acest segment, atat intern cat si in regiunea de est a Europei. Strategia noastra se bazeaza pe dezvoltare continua, o echipa puternica, accesul la tehnologii de ultima generatie precum si cunostintele si experienta acumulata in domeniul echipamentelor de depozit. Suntem autorizati ISCIR pentru a efectua reparatii si revizii la toata gama de stivuitoare si platforme hidraulice. Oferim spre inchiriere stivuitoare autorizate ISCIR, cu sau fara deservent autorizat ISCIR pentru Bucuresti si imprejurimi. Putem asigura si transport specializat de utilaje cu greutati de pana la 8t, avand in dotare 3 autospeciale oricand pregatite de lucru. Echipa Mecano Valmar ofera consultanta si suport clientilor pentru alegerea unei solutii optime, in functie de aplicatie, necesitati si bugetul disponibil. Ramanem alaturi de clienti pe toata durata de functionare a echipamentelor, dispunem de piese de schimb pentru acestea in garantie si post-garantie din stoc, ne adaptam nevoilor tale specifice, iti oferim calitatea si siguranta transportarii marfurilor de care ai nevoie


    MECANO VALMAR is one of the most important suppliers of lifting and stacking equipment in Romania. Established in 2003, as a company with 100% Romanian capital, it begins its repair and maintenance activity for warehouse goods transport equipment. With the recognition of our company’s professionalism on the Romanian market, starting with 2005 we have also developed our consulting and sales division, promoting premium Italian brands on the domestic market. Since then, we have been successfully promoting brands from all over the world that have entered our product portfolio, being an important supplier in this segment, both domestically and in the Eastern European region. Our strategy is based on continuous development, a strong team, access to state-of-the-art technologies as well as the knowledge and experience accumulated in the field of warehouse equipment. We are authorized by ISCIR to perform repairs and overhauls on the entire range of forklifts and hydraulic platforms. We offer for rent ISCIR authorized forklifts, with or without ISCIR authorized attendant for Bucharest and the surrounding area. We can also provide specialized transport of equipment weighing up to 8t, having 3 special vehicles ready to work at any time. The Mecano Valmar team offers consultancy and support to customers for choosing an optimal solution, depending on the application, needs and available budget. We remain with customers throughout the operation of the equipment, we have spare parts for them under warranty and post-warranty in stock, we adapt to your specific needs, we offer you the quality and safety of transporting the goods you need.