Compania noastra are ca scop principal distribuirea catre fermierii din Romania a celor mai performante si eficiente echipamente agricole, prin solutii flexibile de finantare, cu un accent deosebit pe calitatea si disponibilitatea activitatilor de service si a pieselor de schimb. Suntem importatori si distribuitori pentru o gama larga de produse renumite la nivel mondial, precum tractoare, combine, solutii pentru irigat, prese de balotat, utilaje de manipulare a marfurilor, incarcatoare telescopice, cultivatoare, semanatori, pluguri, remorci tehnologice, sisteme pentru agricultura de precizie si multe altele. Suntem importator oficial pe intreg teritoriul Romaniei pentru brand-urile Massey Ferguson, Siloking si Irilland. De asemenea, suntem importator oficial pe zona de vest a Romaniei pentru AMAZONE, iar pe zona de sud, sud-est a tarii pentru Sky Agriculture. In portofoliul nostru mai avem utilaje de la Topcon, CleverFarm, Ziegler, Bredal, Moro Aratri, dar si altii. Toate utilajele si echipamentele din portofoliul Sigma Romania sunt recunoscute la nivel mondial pentru tehnologia de utlima generatie, pentru capacitatea de a creste productivitatea, pentru fiabilitate, dar si pentru costurile reduse de intretinere.
Our company’s main goal is to distribute to farmers in Romania the most efficient and effective agricultural equipment, through flexible financing solutions, with a special emphasis on the quality and availability of service activities and spare parts. We are importers and distributors for a wide range of world-renowned products, such as tractors, combines, irrigation solutions, balers, material handling equipment, telehandlers, cultivators, seeders, ploughs, technology trailers, systems for agriculture accuracy and more. We are the official importer throughout Romania for the brands Massey Ferguson, Siloking and Irilland. We are also the official importer in the West part of Romania for AMAZONE, and in the South, South-East part of the country for Sky Agriculture. In our portfolio we also have machines from Topcon, CleverFarm, Ziegler, Bredal, Moro Aratri and more. All machines and equipment in the Sigma Romania portfolio are recognized worldwide for the latest generation technology, for the ability to increase productivity, for reliability, but also for low maintenance costs. We represent brands with professionalism and enthusiasm, we respect the cultural values of our partners, we pursue common interests, we operate in a socially responsible manner, and we offer farmers the best and customized solutions in the field of agriculture.